I haven't found myself very inspired this week. (That unfortunate state inspired me to work on my document called “What Do You Do When Inspiration Leaves You?”; maybe sometime I’ll decide it’s edifying enough to share and I’ll get a chance to hear YOUR tips! Or you could give them in prelude too if you like.) I decided that one good way out of my bleary, not-very-inspired-fog would be to write down things I’m really grateful about tonight as a note to God. If you want to know what some of those things are, go ahead and read; if not, you could always write one of your own, and that might be even better! ;)
- The way that bitter and sweet complement each other (in my steamy evening cup of Dandy Blend as well as in life in general)
- That men’s retreat isn’t every month (my hubby is gone for the weekend)
- My neighbor-friend not being able to find any other ride to an appointment yesterday, which forced me outdoors and into a gorgeous day I thought was cold and wintry
- A lovely time connecting with my friend that I wouldn't have otherwise had
- Joy’s joy...her infectious smiles that make me unable to keep from smiling back!
- Delight after sorrow - the way God’s Kingdom works, that when you plant in sorrow you reap in joy.
- Friends who pray for me - what a treasure!
- That God is a God of solutions
- A new niece born safely this week! Ah, thank You Lord.
- The mental space and physical ability (an app that started working again) for studying Arabic every day this week! (Cue cheering)
- That in the Tower of Who God Is, I am SAFE. (Been meditating on Proverbs 18:10) What an awesome thing that safety is.
- The delightful feeling of anticipation; I'm planning to spend time with my family tomorrow!
- The special time of life I'm in right now. I have reminisced several times this week on previous seasons of life and thought, "Wow, sometime I'll look back on this season in a really sentimental, nostalgic kind of way! I should see how much I can enjoy these moments as they're happening 'live'!"
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